Support RCS
RCS Annual Fund
Dollars Off Tuition (DOT)

RCS Annual Fund

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Each year, we invite the Resurrection Catholic School Community to support the students, faculty, and school mission with a gift to the RCS Annual Fund.  The Annual Fund directly supports the learning that happens every day within the school.  It directly benefits the students.

Tuition alone does not cover the total cost of educating our students. However, the Annual Fund is our fundraising priority, rather than sales-based fundraising.  The Annual Fund allows us to fundraise in a way that fulfills our mission and offers our children the educational experience that our parents have come to expect.  

We appreciate everyone's part in the Annual Fund.  Whether your gift is $25, $100, $1,000, or somewhere in between, every member of our community is invited to make an impact and an investment in the lives of our students and faculty.  

Consider this...Your gift may inspire others to give.  A high participation rate encourages others to be generous to RCS as well.  That's why we ask those closest to us to donate.  You show your support of our school and our mission each day when you share your children with us.  Financial support shows your belief in our school and our mission as well.  Each gift is 100% tax deductible and greatly appreciated. 

Please remember to check with your employer about Matching Gifts. In the past, we have had matching gifts from GlaxoSmithKlein, Northwestern Mutual, and Progressive Insurance.  Perhaps your company will match your contribution. 

Donate Now

Levels of Giving

Millennium Society:  $1,000 and above
Golden Ram Society:  $500 to $999
Blue & Green Society:  $300 to $499
RCS Ambassador:  $150 to $299 
Friend of RCS:   Up to $149

Your gift can be in honor, or in memory, of someone. 

2015-2016 Annual Report

2014-2015 Annual Report

2013-2014 Annual Report